What is your answer?

Austin claims that, when we are "deceived by our senses," the problem is that

    { 1 } - we seem to see a material object, but in fact there is no material object.
    { 2 } - our sense organs (e.g. eyes or ears) aren't functioning properly.
    { 3 } - we put a wrong interpretation on what we perceive (e.g. we misinterpret the thunder to be a voice).
    { 4 } - the outer conditions (e.g. lighting) are abnormal.
    { 5 } - -- any of these factors (and other factors too) could be the problem.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Austin claims that, when we are "deceived by our senses," the problem is that

This could happen, as when we are hallucinating and seem to see a pink elephant -- while this pink elephant doesn't really exist.

But other things could be happening too. For example, maybe we see an actual material object but are deceived about its color or size.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Austin claims that, when we are "deceived by our senses," the problem is that

    { 1 } - we seem to see a material object, but in fact there is no material object.
    { 2 } - our sense organs (e.g. eyes or ears) aren't functioning properly.
    { 3 } - we put a wrong interpretation on what we perceive (e.g. we misinterpret the thunder to be a voice).
    { 4 } - the outer conditions (e.g. lighting) are abnormal.
    { 5 } - -- any of these factors (and other factors too) could be the problem.

This could be the problem; but there may be other problems as well.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Austin claims that, when we are "deceived by our senses," the problem is that

    { 1 } - we seem to see a material object, but in fact there is no material object.
    { 2 } - our sense organs (e.g. eyes or ears) aren't functioning properly.
    { 3 } - we put a wrong interpretation on what we perceive (e.g. we misinterpret the thunder to be a voice).
    { 4 } - the outer conditions (e.g. lighting) are abnormal.
    { 5 } - -- any of these factors (and other factors too) could be the problem.

This could be the problem; but there may be other problems as well.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Austin claims that, when we are "deceived by our senses," the problem is that

    { 1 } - we seem to see a material object, but in fact there is no material object.
    { 2 } - our sense organs (e.g. eyes or ears) aren't functioning properly.
    { 3 } - we put a wrong interpretation on what we perceive (e.g. we misinterpret the thunder to be a voice).
    { 4 } - the outer conditions (e.g. lighting) are abnormal.
    { 5 } - -- any of these factors (and other factors too) could be the problem.

This could be the problem; but there may be other problems as well.

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5 is correct!

Austin claims that, when we are "deceived by our senses," the problem is that

    { 1 } - we seem to see a material object, but in fact there is no material object.
    { 2 } - our sense organs (e.g. eyes or ears) aren't functioning properly.
    { 3 } - we put a wrong interpretation on what we perceive (e.g. we misinterpret the thunder to be a voice).
    { 4 } - the outer conditions (e.g. lighting) are abnormal.
    { 5 } - -- any of these factors (and other factors too) could be the problem.

There are lots of different ways in which we can be "deceived by our senses."

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end