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If we put a straight stick part way into a drink, the stick looks bent. Austin would regard this as

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

If we put a straight stick part way into a drink, the stick looks bent. Austin would regard this as

He says that this situation is too common to be an illusion. To be an "illusion" for us, it would have to genuinely tempt us to think that the stick is really bent.

The first time you saw a stick look bent in a drink (like when you turned 21 and went into your first bar), you may have been fooled. But, with all your experience with drinks, this bent-stick think no longer fools you. If it does, then you've been drinking too much!

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

If we put a straight stick part way into a drink, the stick looks bent. Austin would regard this as

    { 1 } - a visual illusion.
    { 2 } - a delusion.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - none of the above.

A "delusion" is where something is seriously wrong with you. So it's not a delusion.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

If we put a straight stick part way into a drink, the stick looks bent. Austin would regard this as

    { 1 } - a visual illusion.
    { 2 } - a delusion.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - none of the above.

He says that this situation is too common to be an illusion. To be an "illusion" for us, it would have to genuinely tempt us to think that the stick is really bent.

A "delusion" is where something is seriously wrong with you. So it's not a delusion.

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4 is correct!

If we put a straight stick part way into a drink, the stick looks bent. Austin would regard this as

    { 1 } - a visual illusion.
    { 2 } - a delusion.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - none of the above.

He says that this situation is too common to be an illusion. To be an "illusion" for us, it would have to genuinely tempt us to think that the stick is really bent.

A "delusion" is where something is seriously wrong with you. So it's not a delusion.

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