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Austin says that, after we learn how a term is used in ordinary language, we should never tamper with its meaning.

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Austin says that, after we learn how a term is used in ordinary language, we should never tamper with its meaning.

We may at times want to tidy up the situation a bit -- and perhaps add further distinctions and clarifications. But we should do this only AFTER getting clear on the term's ordinary use.

The distinctions built into ordinary language are more complex and subtle than we might think. Tampering with language is not so easy; nor is it often much reason for tampering.

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2 is correct!

Austin says that, after we learn how a term is used in ordinary language, we should never tamper with its meaning.

We may at times want to tidy up the situation a bit -- and perhaps add further distinctions and clarifications. But we should do this only AFTER getting clear on the term's ordinary use.

The distinctions built into ordinary language are more complex and subtle than we might think. Tampering with language is not so easy; nor is it often much reason for tampering.

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