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Some philosophers, who believe in a higher order of reality, say "The world of sense experience is entirely unreal." According to Ayer, their claim is

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Some philosophers, who believe in a higher order of reality, say "The world of sense experience is entirely unreal." According to Ayer, their claim is

This claim (as understood by its defenders) can be neither confirmed nor disconfirmed by sense experience. But then, since the claim isn't analytic (true by definition), it must be meaningless -- and hence neither true nor false.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Some philosophers, who believe in a higher order of reality, say "The world of sense experience is entirely unreal." According to Ayer, their claim is

    { 1 } - True
    { 2 } - False
    { 3 } - Neither true nor false

This claim (as understood by its defenders) can be neither confirmed nor disconfirmed by sense experience. But then, since the claim isn't analytic (true by definition), it must be meaningless -- and hence neither true nor false.

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3 is correct!

Some philosophers, who believe in a higher order of reality, say "The world of sense experience is entirely unreal." According to Ayer, their claim is

    { 1 } - True
    { 2 } - False
    { 3 } - Neither true nor false

This claim (as understood by its defenders) can be neither confirmed nor disconfirmed by sense experience. But then, since the claim isn't analytic (true by definition), it must be meaningless -- and hence neither true nor false.

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