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Ayer thinks that metaphysicians are misplaced poets.

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Ayer thinks that metaphysicians are misplaced poets.

Metaphysicians generally intend to speak the literal truth about reality; but they produce only nonsensical sentences.

Poets, on the other hand, care more about the emotional impact of their words. Poets seldom speak nonsense; when they do, it's for the sake of the emotional impact of this language.

So metaphysicians and poets have very different aims.

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2 is correct!

Ayer thinks that metaphysicians are misplaced poets.

Metaphysicians generally intend to speak the literal truth about reality; but they produce only nonsensical sentences.

Poets, on the other hand, care more about the emotional impact of their words. Poets seldom speak nonsense; when they do, it's for the sake of the emotional impact of this language.

So metaphysicians and poets have very different aims.

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