What is your answer?

Ayer defines a "rational" belief as a belief that

    { 1 } - is arrived at by the methods that we now consider reliable.
    { 2 } - accords with an absolute standard of rationality that is self-evident to the human mind.
    { 3 } - accords with God's will.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is correct!

Ayer defines a "rational" belief as a belief that

These are the methods of contemporary science. We trust them because they have been so successful in practice.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ayer defines a "rational" belief as a belief that

    { 1 } - is arrived at by the methods that we now consider reliable.
    { 2 } - accords with an absolute standard of rationality that is self-evident to the human mind.
    { 3 } - accords with God's will.

Ayer rejects this.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ayer defines a "rational" belief as a belief that

    { 1 } - is arrived at by the methods that we now consider reliable.
    { 2 } - accords with an absolute standard of rationality that is self-evident to the human mind.
    { 3 } - accords with God's will.

Ayer rejects this.

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the end