What is your answer?

Ayer holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "X leads to more pleasure than pain."
    { 2 } - "I like X."
    { 3 } - "X is socially accepted."
    { 4 } - "Hurrah for X!"

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Ayer holds that "X is good" means

This is utilitarianism. Ayer rejects it because it's consistent to say "Something things that lead to more pleasure than pain are bad."

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ayer holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "X leads to more pleasure than pain."
    { 2 } - "I like X."
    { 3 } - "X is socially accepted."
    { 4 } - "Hurrah for X!"

This is classical subjectivism. Ayer rejects it because it's consistent to say "I sometimes like things that aren't good."

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ayer holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "X leads to more pleasure than pain."
    { 2 } - "I like X."
    { 3 } - "X is socially accepted."
    { 4 } - "Hurrah for X!"

This is cultural relativism. Ayer rejects it because it's consistent to say "Sometimes socially accepted things aren't good."

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4 is correct!

Ayer holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "X leads to more pleasure than pain."
    { 2 } - "I like X."
    { 3 } - "X is socially accepted."
    { 4 } - "Hurrah for X!"

Moral judgments express feelings, not truth claims.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end