What is your answer?

Reductionists about ethics claim that

    { 1 } - facts about our feelings can be evidence for ethical beliefs.
    { 2 } - we have no knowledge of ethical truths.
    { 3 } - ethical statements can be translated into non-ethical statements.
    { 4 } - we can know ethical truths through moral intuition.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Reductionists about ethics claim that

This is critical cognitivism, not reductionism.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Reductionists about ethics claim that

    { 1 } - facts about our feelings can be evidence for ethical beliefs.
    { 2 } - we have no knowledge of ethical truths.
    { 3 } - ethical statements can be translated into non-ethical statements.
    { 4 } - we can know ethical truths through moral intuition.

This is skepticism, not reductionism.

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3 is correct!

Reductionists about ethics claim that

    { 1 } - facts about our feelings can be evidence for ethical beliefs.
    { 2 } - we have no knowledge of ethical truths.
    { 3 } - ethical statements can be translated into non-ethical statements.
    { 4 } - we can know ethical truths through moral intuition.

Reductionists in ethics (also called "ethical naturalists") claim, for example, that "good" means "socially approved." Given this definition, we can prove that something is good by showing that it's socially approved.

Chisholm objects that such definitions distort what moral judgments mean. The fact that something is socially approved, for example, doesn't show that it's good.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Reductionists about ethics claim that

    { 1 } - facts about our feelings can be evidence for ethical beliefs.
    { 2 } - we have no knowledge of ethical truths.
    { 3 } - ethical statements can be translated into non-ethical statements.
    { 4 } - we can know ethical truths through moral intuition.

This is intuitionism, not reductionism.

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the end