What is your answer?

On Quine's view, which of these commit us to an ontology that includes properties (or characteristics) like whiteness?

    { 1 } - There is a shade of whiteness intermediate between this shade and that shade.
    { 2 } - This dog is white and that dog is white.
    { 3 } - Some dogs are white.
    { 4 } - all of the above.
    { 5 } - none of the above.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is correct!

On Quine's view, which of these commit us to an ontology that includes properties (or characteristics) like whiteness?

This commits us to an ontology that includes shades of whiteness -- which would be a property or characteristic.

We are so committed, at least until we devise some way to paraphrase the statement to show that the reference to shades of whiteness was an avoidable way of speaking.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

On Quine's view, which of these commit us to an ontology that includes properties (or characteristics) like whiteness?

    { 1 } - There is a shade of whiteness intermediate between this shade and that shade.
    { 2 } - This dog is white and that dog is white.
    { 3 } - Some dogs are white.
    { 4 } - all of the above.
    { 5 } - none of the above.

This commits us to an ontology that includes dogs (and even white dogs) -- but not one that includes whiteness.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

On Quine's view, which of these commit us to an ontology that includes properties (or characteristics) like whiteness?

    { 1 } - There is a shade of whiteness intermediate between this shade and that shade.
    { 2 } - This dog is white and that dog is white.
    { 3 } - Some dogs are white.
    { 4 } - all of the above.
    { 5 } - none of the above.

This commits us to an ontology that includes dogs (and even white dogs) -- but not one that includes whiteness.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

On Quine's view, which of these commit us to an ontology that includes properties (or characteristics) like whiteness?

    { 1 } - There is a shade of whiteness intermediate between this shade and that shade.
    { 2 } - This dog is white and that dog is white.
    { 3 } - Some dogs are white.
    { 4 } - all of the above.
    { 5 } - none of the above.

Just one applies.

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

On Quine's view, which of these commit us to an ontology that includes properties (or characteristics) like whiteness?

    { 1 } - There is a shade of whiteness intermediate between this shade and that shade.
    { 2 } - This dog is white and that dog is white.
    { 3 } - Some dogs are white.
    { 4 } - all of the above.
    { 5 } - none of the above.

Exactly one applies.

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the end