What is your answer?

The central claim of Russell's "logical atomism" is that

    { 1 } - the world is all that is the case.
    { 2 } - we can get down, at least in theory, to the ultimate simples out of which the world is built.
    { 3 } - all truth claims are either analytic or empirical.
    { 4 } - everything that exists in ultimately composed of matter.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

The central claim of Russell's "logical atomism" is that

This is early Wittgenstein.

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2 is correct!

The central claim of Russell's "logical atomism" is that

    { 1 } - the world is all that is the case.
    { 2 } - we can get down, at least in theory, to the ultimate simples out of which the world is built.
    { 3 } - all truth claims are either analytic or empirical.
    { 4 } - everything that exists in ultimately composed of matter.

Russell sees these simples as having a kind of reality not belonging to anything else.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

The central claim of Russell's "logical atomism" is that

    { 1 } - the world is all that is the case.
    { 2 } - we can get down, at least in theory, to the ultimate simples out of which the world is built.
    { 3 } - all truth claims are either analytic or empirical.
    { 4 } - everything that exists in ultimately composed of matter.

This is the central claim of Ayer's logical positivism.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

The central claim of Russell's "logical atomism" is that

    { 1 } - the world is all that is the case.
    { 2 } - we can get down, at least in theory, to the ultimate simples out of which the world is built.
    { 3 } - all truth claims are either analytic or empirical.
    { 4 } - everything that exists in ultimately composed of matter.

Russell regards matter as a logical fiction -- a way of talking about sense experiences. So he doesn't see matter as one of the ultimate simples out of which the world is built.

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the end