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In early Wittgenstein, there can be propositions about ethics and value.

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In early Wittgenstein, there can be propositions about ethics and value.

There are only propositions and truths about strictly factual things -- about what in fact has happened or will happen. Only concrete factual situations can be put into pictures. There are no propositions about value.

In the world, whatever happens is accidental. And so there can't be propositions about ethics. Ethics is transcendental and cannot be put into words. Propositions can express nothing that is higher.

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In early Wittgenstein, there can be propositions about ethics and value.

There are only propositions and truths about strictly factual things -- about what in fact has happened or will happen. Only concrete factual situations can be put into pictures. There are no propositions about value.

In the world, whatever happens is accidental. And so there can't be propositions about ethics. Ethics is transcendental and cannot be put into words. Propositions can express nothing that is higher.

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