What is your answer?

The ideal observer view holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "We'd desire X if we were fully informed and had impartial concern for everyone."
    { 2 } - "I like X."
    { 3 } - "X is socially approved."
    { 4 } - "Hurrah for X!"

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.


1 is correct!

The ideal observer view holds that "X is good" means

The ideal observer says that moral judgements describe, not our actual feelings, but what we'd feel if we were more rational.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

The ideal observer view holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "We'd desire X if we were fully informed and had impartial concern for everyone."
    { 2 } - "I like X."
    { 3 } - "X is socially approved."
    { 4 } - "Hurrah for X!"

This is subjectivism.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

The ideal observer view holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "We'd desire X if we were fully informed and had impartial concern for everyone."
    { 2 } - "I like X."
    { 3 } - "X is socially approved."
    { 4 } - "Hurrah for X!"

This is cultural relativism.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

The ideal observer view holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "We'd desire X if we were fully informed and had impartial concern for everyone."
    { 2 } - "I like X."
    { 3 } - "X is socially approved."
    { 4 } - "Hurrah for X!"

This is emotivism.

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the end