What is your answer?

If you believe that we ought to obey God, then you have to be a supernaturalist.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

If you believe that we ought to obey God, then you have to be a supernaturalist.

Maybe we ought to obey God because his commands reflect a far better knowledge of an independent moral order. On this non-SN view, stealing isn't bad because God forbids it. Instead, God forbids it because it's already bad.

Obeying God then makes sense -- not because God's will creates the moral order (the SN view) -- but because God has a keener knowledge than we do of what is objectively good or bad.

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2 is correct!

If you believe that we ought to obey God, then you have to be a supernaturalist.

Maybe we ought to obey God because his commands reflect a far better knowledge of an independent moral order. On this non-SN view, stealing isn't bad because God forbids it. Instead, God forbids it because it's already bad.

Obeying God then makes sense -- not because God's will creates the moral order (the SN view) -- but because God has a keener knowledge than we do of what is objectively good or bad.

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the end