What is your answer?

Suppose that someone defines "good" as "socially approved." Ima Intuitionist would object to this definition by claiming that

    { 1 } - society gets its values from God -- so "good" means "desired by God."
    { 2 } - what is socially approved isn't necessarily good.
    { 3 } - Ima would agree with the definition.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that someone defines "good" as "socially approved." Ima Intuitionist would object to this definition by claiming that

Ima thought that "good" was indefinable. So he would have rejected this definition.

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2 is correct!

Suppose that someone defines "good" as "socially approved." Ima Intuitionist would object to this definition by claiming that

    { 1 } - society gets its values from God -- so "good" means "desired by God."
    { 2 } - what is socially approved isn't necessarily good.
    { 3 } - Ima would agree with the definition.

We could consistently imagine there being bad things that are socially approved. So "good" doesn't mean "socially approved."

The general strategy is this: if someone claims that "good" means "such and such" (where this represents some descriptive term), ask "Are things that are such and such necessarily good?" Since the answer is "no," the definition is refuted.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that someone defines "good" as "socially approved." Ima Intuitionist would object to this definition by claiming that

    { 1 } - society gets its values from God -- so "good" means "desired by God."
    { 2 } - what is socially approved isn't necessarily good.
    { 3 } - Ima would agree with the definition.

No he wouldn't! Ima claimed that "good" was indefinable.

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the end