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Ima Intuitionist holds that there are objective moral truths -- moral truths that don't depend on human thinking or feeling.

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1 is correct!

Ima Intuitionist holds that there are objective moral truths -- moral truths that don't depend on human thinking or feeling.

Ima gives "Hatred is wrong" as an example. He says that hatred is wrong in itself. It would still be wrong even if everyone were to approve of it. Hatred is objectively wrong. All of this is obvious to any right-thinking person.

So the belief in objective values is just common sense. It's clearly true, even though we can't prove its truth to a skeptic.

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Ima Intuitionist holds that there are objective moral truths -- moral truths that don't depend on human thinking or feeling.

Ima gives "Hatred is wrong" as an example. He says that hatred is wrong in itself. It would still be wrong even if everyone were to approve of it. Hatred is objectively wrong. All of this is obvious to any right-thinking person.

So the belief in objective values is just common sense. It's clearly true, even though we can't prove its truth to a skeptic.

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