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Ima Intuitionist claims that we should accept as self-evident any principle that seems plausible to us initially.

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Ima Intuitionist claims that we should accept as self-evident any principle that seems plausible to us initially.

What is plausible to us initially may have implausible implications. For example, "-(x*y) = (-x*-y)" may seem right at first. But it gives a false result if we let x and y both be 2.

Instead of relying on initial plausibility, we need to examine a principle (whether of math or of ethics) to see whether it has implications that clash with our intuitions.

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2 is correct!

Ima Intuitionist claims that we should accept as self-evident any principle that seems plausible to us initially.

What is plausible to us initially may have implausible implications. For example, "-(x*y) = (-x*-y)" may seem right at first. But it gives a false result if we let x and y both be 2.

Instead of relying on initial plausibility, we need to examine a principle (whether of math or of ethics) to see whether it has implications that clash with our intuitions.

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