What is the best match?

To be logically consistent, we must make similar evaluations about similar cases.

    { 1 } - Logical rule P
    { 2 } - Logical rule U
    { 3 } - GR consistency condition

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

To be logically consistent, we must make similar evaluations about similar cases.

To be logically consistent, we must keep our moral beliefs in harmony with how we live and want others to live. <=> Logical rule P

<= back | menu | forward =>


2 is correct!

To be logically consistent, we must make similar evaluations about similar cases.

    { 1 } - Logical rule P
    { 2 } - Logical rule U
    { 3 } - GR consistency condition

To be logically consistent, we must make similar evaluations about similar cases. <=> Logical rule U

<= back | menu | forward =>
Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

To be logically consistent, we must make similar evaluations about similar cases.

    { 1 } - Logical rule P
    { 2 } - Logical rule U
    { 3 } - GR consistency condition

This combination is logically inconsistent: (a) I believe that I ought to do something to another, and (b) I don't desire that this be done to me in the same situation. <=> GR consistency condition

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the end