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Ima Prescriptivist thinks that Nazi moral beliefs are

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1 is correct!

Ima Prescriptivist thinks that Nazi moral beliefs are

Nazi moral beliefs are irrational -- since the Nazis wouldn't hold their beliefs consistently if they knew the facts of the case and exercised their imagination.

However, Nazi moral beliefs aren't false -- since moral judgments (according to prescriptivism) aren't true or false.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Prescriptivist thinks that Nazi moral beliefs are

    { 1 } - irrational.
    { 2 } - false.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - neither of the above.

Nazi moral beliefs aren't false -- since moral judgments (according to prescriptivism) aren't true or false.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Prescriptivist thinks that Nazi moral beliefs are

    { 1 } - irrational.
    { 2 } - false.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - neither of the above.

Nazi moral beliefs aren't false -- since moral judgments (according to prescriptivism) aren't true or false.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Prescriptivist thinks that Nazi moral beliefs are

    { 1 } - irrational.
    { 2 } - false.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - neither of the above.

Nazi moral beliefs are irrational -- since the Nazis wouldn't hold their beliefs consistently if they knew the facts of the case and exercised their imagination.

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the end