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The golden rule is an invention of modern western culture.

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The golden rule is an invention of modern western culture.

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The golden rule is an invention of modern western culture.

The golden rule has wide support among the various religions and cultures of the world. Jesus Christ, Confucius, and the Rabbi Hillel all used the rule to summarize their teachings. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism also support GR, as do secular thinkers from diverse cultures. Many of these give the rule a central status in moral thinking. GR is close to being a global principle -- a norm common to all peoples of all times.

The golden rule, with roots in a wide range of world cultures, is well suited to be a standard that different cultures could appeal to in resolving conflicts. As the world becomes more and more a single interacting global community, the need for such a common standard is becoming more urgent.

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