What is your answer?

The "be imaginative" requirement demands that we

    { 1 } - be creative in proposing solutions to problems.
    { 2 } - have a vivid and accurate awareness of another's situation (or of our own situation at a future time) and what it would be like to be in that situation.
    { 3 } - express values in terms of stories and other narrative forms.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

The "be imaginative" requirement demands that we

This can be important -- but it isn't what the imagination requirement is about.

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2 is correct!

The "be imaginative" requirement demands that we

    { 1 } - be creative in proposing solutions to problems.
    { 2 } - have a vivid and accurate awareness of another's situation (or of our own situation at a future time) and what it would be like to be in that situation.
    { 3 } - express values in terms of stories and other narrative forms.

This differs from just knowing facts. We need, not only to know facts about poor people, but also to appreciate what these facts mean to their lives. Movies, literature, and personal experience can help us to visualize another's life.

We also need to appreciate future consequences of our actions. Knowing that drugs have harmful effects differs from being able to imagine these effects in a vivid and accurate way. An essay about drug addiction might give us the facts, while a story or movie about drug addicts might bring these facts to life for us.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

The "be imaginative" requirement demands that we

    { 1 } - be creative in proposing solutions to problems.
    { 2 } - have a vivid and accurate awareness of another's situation (or of our own situation at a future time) and what it would be like to be in that situation.
    { 3 } - express values in terms of stories and other narrative forms.

This can be important -- but it isn't what the imagination requirement is about.

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the end