What is your answer?

The "be informed" requirement demands that we know

    { 1 } - about the situation.
    { 2 } - about ourselves.
    { 3 } - about alternative moral views.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

The "be informed" requirement demands that we know

We need to know about the situation: circumstances, alternatives, consequences, and so on. We learn such facts mainly from personal experience and expert opinion. To the extent that we're misinformed or ignorant, our practical thinking is flawed.

But we also need other kinds of knowledge.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

The "be informed" requirement demands that we know

    { 1 } - about the situation.
    { 2 } - about ourselves.
    { 3 } - about alternative moral views.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

We need to know about ourselves -- especially about how we developed our feelings and moral judgments. For example, some people are hostile toward a group because they were taught this when they were young. Their attitudes might change if they understood the source of their hostility and broadened their experience. If so, these attitudes are less rational -- since they exist because of ignorance.

But we also need other kinds of knowledge.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

The "be informed" requirement demands that we know

    { 1 } - about the situation.
    { 2 } - about ourselves.
    { 3 } - about alternative moral views.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

We need to know the alternative moral views, including arguments for or against them. Our thinking is less rational if we're unaware of opposing views.

But we also need other kinds of knowledge.

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4 is correct!

The "be informed" requirement demands that we know

    { 1 } - about the situation.
    { 2 } - about ourselves.
    { 3 } - about alternative moral views.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

We need various sorts of knowledge when making moral judgments.

While we can never know all the facts, we can have a greater or lesser knowledge. Other things being equal, a more informed judgment is a more rational one.

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