What is your answer?

We are irrational in our desires if our desires are

    { 1 } - based on ignorance.
    { 2 } - inconsistent.
    { 3 } - either of these.
    { 4 } - neither of these -- desires can't be rational or irrational.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

We are irrational in our desires if our desires are

Our desires might be based on false beliefs or a lack of true beliefs. For example, we might desire to become a doctor because we have false beliefs about our abilities and a lack of information about other possible options.

But our desires also could be inconsistent.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

We are irrational in our desires if our desires are

    { 1 } - based on ignorance.
    { 2 } - inconsistent.
    { 3 } - either of these.
    { 4 } - neither of these -- desires can't be rational or irrational.

Our desires might inconsistent with our actions, other desires, or moral beliefs.

But our desires also could be based on ignorance.

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3 is correct!

We are irrational in our desires if our desires are

    { 1 } - based on ignorance.
    { 2 } - inconsistent.
    { 3 } - either of these.
    { 4 } - neither of these -- desires can't be rational or irrational.

Irrational desires have flaws like inconsistency, ignorance, or lack of imagination. Our desires are rational to the extent that in having them we satisfy the conditions for moral rationality.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

We are irrational in our desires if our desires are

    { 1 } - based on ignorance.
    { 2 } - inconsistent.
    { 3 } - either of these.
    { 4 } - neither of these -- desires can't be rational or irrational.

Irrational desires have flaws like inconsistency, ignorance, or lack of imagination.

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the end