What is your answer?

A "prima facie" duty is

    { 1 } - a rule of thumb that is justified on utilitarian grounds.
    { 2 } - a duty to give the "best face" (self-integrity).
    { 3 } - an exceptionless duty.
    { 4 } - a false principle that seems true "at first glance."
    { 5 } - a duty that holds other things being equal.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

A "prima facie" duty is

You really missed the point!

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

A "prima facie" duty is

    { 1 } - a rule of thumb that is justified on utilitarian grounds.
    { 2 } - a duty to give the "best face" (self-integrity).
    { 3 } - an exceptionless duty.
    { 4 } - a false principle that seems true "at first glance."
    { 5 } - a duty that holds other things being equal.

Huh? Even my goldfish knew that this guess was wrong.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

A "prima facie" duty is

    { 1 } - a rule of thumb that is justified on utilitarian grounds.
    { 2 } - a duty to give the "best face" (self-integrity).
    { 3 } - an exceptionless duty.
    { 4 } - a false principle that seems true "at first glance."
    { 5 } - a duty that holds other things being equal.

The two are very different. A prima facie duty holds in most cases, but not under some extenuating circumstances.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

A "prima facie" duty is

    { 1 } - a rule of thumb that is justified on utilitarian grounds.
    { 2 } - a duty to give the "best face" (self-integrity).
    { 3 } - an exceptionless duty.
    { 4 } - a false principle that seems true "at first glance."
    { 5 } - a duty that holds other things being equal.

A prima facie principle might be true.

A prima facie duty is one that holds if other things are equal. So "at first glance" ("prima facie") an act of keeping a promise seems to be your duty, but at second glance (after we look at conflicting duties) it might not be.

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5 is correct!

A "prima facie" duty is

    { 1 } - a rule of thumb that is justified on utilitarian grounds.
    { 2 } - a duty to give the "best face" (self-integrity).
    { 3 } - an exceptionless duty.
    { 4 } - a false principle that seems true "at first glance."
    { 5 } - a duty that holds other things being equal.

Ima Rossian gives the example of promise keeping. The fact that you made a promise tends in itself to make it a duty to fulfill the promise. This can sometimes be overridden by other factors. However it isn't automatically overridden if some other action would have better consequences.

A prima facie duty is a factor that tends in itself to make something our duty but can sometimes be overridden by other factors.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end