What is your answer?

No consistent moral system can have more than one exceptionless norm. If you have two exceptionless norms, they'll sometimes conflict -- and thus lead to contradictions.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

No consistent moral system can have more than one exceptionless norm. If you have two exceptionless norms, they'll sometimes conflict -- and thus lead to contradictions.

A consistent moral system can have more than one exceptionless norm, provided that they won't conflict. These exceptionless norms from Ima Rule-Utilitarian won't ever conflict:

    * Never sentence an innocent person to death.
    * Never take heroin for recreational purposes.
    * Never commit adultery.

<= back | menu | forward =>


2 is correct!

No consistent moral system can have more than one exceptionless norm. If you have two exceptionless norms, they'll sometimes conflict -- and thus lead to contradictions.

A consistent moral system can have more than one exceptionless norm, provided that they won't conflict. These exceptionless norms from Ima Rule-Utilitarian won't ever conflict:

    * Never sentence an innocent person to death.
    * Never take heroin for recreational purposes.
    * Never commit adultery.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end