What is your answer?

For Aristotle, justice is about

    { 1 } - the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites.
    { 2 } - upsetting distributions of pleasure or happiness that don't accord with merit.
    { 3 } - treating others fairly.
    { 4 } - the equal liberty and the difference principle.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

For Aristotle, justice is about

This is Plato.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

For Aristotle, justice is about

    { 1 } - the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites.
    { 2 } - upsetting distributions of pleasure or happiness that don't accord with merit.
    { 3 } - treating others fairly.
    { 4 } - the equal liberty and the difference principle.

This is W.D. Ross.

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3 is correct!

For Aristotle, justice is about

    { 1 } - the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites.
    { 2 } - upsetting distributions of pleasure or happiness that don't accord with merit.
    { 3 } - treating others fairly.
    { 4 } - the equal liberty and the difference principle.

There are different areas of justice. For example, distributive justice deals with the distribution by merit of wealth and honors; and corrective justice deals with punishments.

What is just is determined partly by nature and partly by convention: while it's by nature just that criminals be punished, the civil law determines which punishment goes with which crime.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

For Aristotle, justice is about

    { 1 } - the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites.
    { 2 } - upsetting distributions of pleasure or happiness that don't accord with merit.
    { 3 } - treating others fairly.
    { 4 } - the equal liberty and the difference principle.

This is John Rawls.

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the end