What is the best match?

the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites

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the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites

excellence in thinking <=> wisdom

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2 is correct!

the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites

the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites <=> justice

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites

the rational control of our "spirited" part (emotions, especially fear) <=> courage

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

the correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites

the rational control of our appetites (impulses and desires) <=> self-control

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the end