What is your answer?

According to Aristotle, to be virtuous is

    { 1 } - to have the right motives.
    { 2 } - to act in a certain way.
    { 3 } - to have both of these (both are needed).
    { 4 } - impossible, since we are all selfish to the core.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Aristotle, to be virtuous is

This is half of the answer.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Aristotle, to be virtuous is

    { 1 } - to have the right motives.
    { 2 } - to act in a certain way.
    { 3 } - to have both of these (both are needed).
    { 4 } - impossible, since we are all selfish to the core.

This is half of the answer.

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3 is correct!

According to Aristotle, to be virtuous is

    { 1 } - to have the right motives.
    { 2 } - to act in a certain way.
    { 3 } - to have both of these (both are needed).
    { 4 } - impossible, since we are all selfish to the core.

To be virtuous isn't just to act in a certain way; it also involves acting for the right reasons and with the right feelings, as a person of virtue would act. If we speak honestly just because we fear getting caught in a lie, then we don't adequately have the virtue of honesty.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


4 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Aristotle, to be virtuous is

    { 1 } - to have the right motives.
    { 2 } - to act in a certain way.
    { 3 } - to have both of these (both are needed).
    { 4 } - impossible, since we are all selfish to the core.

Aristotle wasn't that pessimistic!

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the end