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St Augustine later Christianized Plato's ethics. Which of these was NOT part of Augustine's thought?

    { 1 } - Ethics is summed up as "Love, and do as you will"; central are love of God, in which our ultimate happiness consists, and love of neighbor for the sake of God.
    { 2 } - Evildoing comes from disordered desire, where we submit to lower impulses; the correct order is for the soul to rule the body, reason to rule the soul, and the unchangeable Good (God and his law) to rule reason.
    { 3 } - To Plato's four cardinal virtues (wisdom, self-control, courage, and justice) is added Christianity's three theological virtues (faith, hope, and love).
    { 4 } - Life is a journey toward God, who is our supreme good.
    { 5 } - All of these were parts of his thought.

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St Augustine later Christianized Plato's ethics. Which of these was NOT part of Augustine's thought?

This was part of his thought.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

St Augustine later Christianized Plato's ethics. Which of these was NOT part of Augustine's thought?

    { 1 } - Ethics is summed up as "Love, and do as you will"; central are love of God, in which our ultimate happiness consists, and love of neighbor for the sake of God.
    { 2 } - Evildoing comes from disordered desire, where we submit to lower impulses; the correct order is for the soul to rule the body, reason to rule the soul, and the unchangeable Good (God and his law) to rule reason.
    { 3 } - To Plato's four cardinal virtues (wisdom, self-control, courage, and justice) is added Christianity's three theological virtues (faith, hope, and love).
    { 4 } - Life is a journey toward God, who is our supreme good.
    { 5 } - All of these were parts of his thought.

This was part of his thought.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

St Augustine later Christianized Plato's ethics. Which of these was NOT part of Augustine's thought?

    { 1 } - Ethics is summed up as "Love, and do as you will"; central are love of God, in which our ultimate happiness consists, and love of neighbor for the sake of God.
    { 2 } - Evildoing comes from disordered desire, where we submit to lower impulses; the correct order is for the soul to rule the body, reason to rule the soul, and the unchangeable Good (God and his law) to rule reason.
    { 3 } - To Plato's four cardinal virtues (wisdom, self-control, courage, and justice) is added Christianity's three theological virtues (faith, hope, and love).
    { 4 } - Life is a journey toward God, who is our supreme good.
    { 5 } - All of these were parts of his thought.

This was part of his thought.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

St Augustine later Christianized Plato's ethics. Which of these was NOT part of Augustine's thought?

    { 1 } - Ethics is summed up as "Love, and do as you will"; central are love of God, in which our ultimate happiness consists, and love of neighbor for the sake of God.
    { 2 } - Evildoing comes from disordered desire, where we submit to lower impulses; the correct order is for the soul to rule the body, reason to rule the soul, and the unchangeable Good (God and his law) to rule reason.
    { 3 } - To Plato's four cardinal virtues (wisdom, self-control, courage, and justice) is added Christianity's three theological virtues (faith, hope, and love).
    { 4 } - Life is a journey toward God, who is our supreme good.
    { 5 } - All of these were parts of his thought.

This was part of his thought.

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5 is correct!

St Augustine later Christianized Plato's ethics. Which of these was NOT part of Augustine's thought?

    { 1 } - Ethics is summed up as "Love, and do as you will"; central are love of God, in which our ultimate happiness consists, and love of neighbor for the sake of God.
    { 2 } - Evildoing comes from disordered desire, where we submit to lower impulses; the correct order is for the soul to rule the body, reason to rule the soul, and the unchangeable Good (God and his law) to rule reason.
    { 3 } - To Plato's four cardinal virtues (wisdom, self-control, courage, and justice) is added Christianity's three theological virtues (faith, hope, and love).
    { 4 } - Life is a journey toward God, who is our supreme good.
    { 5 } - All of these were parts of his thought.

He saw all of these as somehow developing Plato's thought.

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