What is the best match?

God's will decides which habits are virtues and which are vices

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

God's will decides which habits are virtues and which are vices

when you call a habit "virtuous," you're saying that you personally approve of it <=> subjectivism

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

God's will decides which habits are virtues and which are vices

    { 1 } - subjectivism
    { 2 } - consequentialism
    { 3 } - nonconsequentialism
    { 4 } - supernaturalism
    { 5 } - cultural relativism

virtues are habits that tend to promote good consequences, and the supreme virtue is the character trait to do the individual action that we think has the best total consequences <=> consequentialism

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

God's will decides which habits are virtues and which are vices

    { 1 } - subjectivism
    { 2 } - consequentialism
    { 3 } - nonconsequentialism
    { 4 } - supernaturalism
    { 5 } - cultural relativism

virtues are habits not to do actions that are wrong in themselves <=> nonconsequentialism

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4 is correct!

God's will decides which habits are virtues and which are vices

    { 1 } - subjectivism
    { 2 } - consequentialism
    { 3 } - nonconsequentialism
    { 4 } - supernaturalism
    { 5 } - cultural relativism

God's will decides which habits are virtues and which are vices <=> supernaturalism

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


5 is wrong. Please try again.

God's will decides which habits are virtues and which are vices

    { 1 } - subjectivism
    { 2 } - consequentialism
    { 3 } - nonconsequentialism
    { 4 } - supernaturalism
    { 5 } - cultural relativism

virtues are relative to culture and are the habits that a given culture approves of <=> cultural relativism

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the end