What is your answer?

The golden-rule consistency view can be expressed

    { 1 } - in terms of virtues (good character traits).
    { 2 } - in terms of duties.
    { 3 } - either way.

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The golden-rule consistency view can be expressed

It can also be expresssed the other way.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

The golden-rule consistency view can be expressed

    { 1 } - in terms of virtues (good character traits).
    { 2 } - in terms of duties.
    { 3 } - either way.

It can also be expresssed the other way.

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3 is correct!

The golden-rule consistency view can be expressed

    { 1 } - in terms of virtues (good character traits).
    { 2 } - in terms of duties.
    { 3 } - either way.

So we can talk about conscientious as a duty ("We ought to keep our moral beliefs in harmony with how we live") or as a virtuous character trait. It's natural to use both in discussing the view.

What should we call the GR character trait (to habitually treat others only as we consent to being treated in the same situation)? Possibilities include compassion, consideration for others, empathy, benevolence, kindness, fairness, and reciprocity. Or we could invent a term, perhaps goldenness.

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the end