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Do philosophers think that virtue is of intrinsic value?

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Do philosophers think that virtue is of intrinsic value?

Philosophers disagree about this.

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Do philosophers think that virtue is of intrinsic value?

    { 1 } - No
    { 2 } - Yes
    { 3 } - Some say yes, some say no.

Philosophers disagree about this.

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3 is correct!

Do philosophers think that virtue is of intrinsic value?

    { 1 } - No
    { 2 } - Yes
    { 3 } - Some say yes, some say no.

Classical utilitarians say that virtue has no intrinsic value (since only pleasure and the avoidance of pain have intrinsic value) but is useful to society because it promote the general good.

Many others say that virtue, besides being useful, is of value for its own sake. If we compare two worlds that are equal in pleasure and pain, but one has much virtue and the other has much vice, isn't it clear that the virtuous world is better?

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