What is your answer?

What is "right" is what is "socially approved." So our moral beliefs have to be based on what our society approves of. Now surveys show that most people in our society are moderately anti-abortion. Most people disapprove of most abortions, but allow some exceptions. So this should be our view.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

What is "right" is what is "socially approved." So our moral beliefs have to be based on what our society approves of. Now surveys show that most people in our society are moderately anti-abortion. Most people disapprove of most abortions, but allow some exceptions. So this should be our view.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

What is "right" is what is "socially approved." So our moral beliefs have to be based on what our society approves of. Now surveys show that most people in our society are moderately anti-abortion. Most people disapprove of most abortions, but allow some exceptions. So this should be our view.

    { 1 } - intuitionism
    { 2 } - prescriptivism
    { 3 } - supernaturalism
    { 4 } - cultural relativism
    { 5 } - subjectivism

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

What is "right" is what is "socially approved." So our moral beliefs have to be based on what our society approves of. Now surveys show that most people in our society are moderately anti-abortion. Most people disapprove of most abortions, but allow some exceptions. So this should be our view.

    { 1 } - intuitionism
    { 2 } - prescriptivism
    { 3 } - supernaturalism
    { 4 } - cultural relativism
    { 5 } - subjectivism

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4 is correct!

What is "right" is what is "socially approved." So our moral beliefs have to be based on what our society approves of. Now surveys show that most people in our society are moderately anti-abortion. Most people disapprove of most abortions, but allow some exceptions. So this should be our view.

    { 1 } - intuitionism
    { 2 } - prescriptivism
    { 3 } - supernaturalism
    { 4 } - cultural relativism
    { 5 } - subjectivism

This is how cultural relativism would approach the issue.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


5 is wrong. Please try again.

What is "right" is what is "socially approved." So our moral beliefs have to be based on what our society approves of. Now surveys show that most people in our society are moderately anti-abortion. Most people disapprove of most abortions, but allow some exceptions. So this should be our view.

    { 1 } - intuitionism
    { 2 } - prescriptivism
    { 3 } - supernaturalism
    { 4 } - cultural relativism
    { 5 } - subjectivism

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the end