What is the best match?

theological virtues

    { 1 } - The basic virtues that connect us to God; in Christianity, these are faith, hope, and love
    { 2 } - Laziness, an excessive aversion to work
    { 3 } - We ought to do the ACT with the best consequences
    { 4 } - Society ought to promote the equal distribution of wealth, except for inequalities that serve as incentives to benefit everyone (including the least advantaged group) and are open to everyone on an equal basis
    { 5 } - Believing in God and what he revealed

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is correct!

theological virtues

theological virtues <=> The basic virtues that connect us to God; in Christianity, these are faith, hope, and love

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

theological virtues

    { 1 } - The basic virtues that connect us to God; in Christianity, these are faith, hope, and love
    { 2 } - Laziness, an excessive aversion to work
    { 3 } - We ought to do the ACT with the best consequences
    { 4 } - Society ought to promote the equal distribution of wealth, except for inequalities that serve as incentives to benefit everyone (including the least advantaged group) and are open to everyone on an equal basis
    { 5 } - Believing in God and what he revealed

sloth <=> Laziness, an excessive aversion to work

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

theological virtues

    { 1 } - The basic virtues that connect us to God; in Christianity, these are faith, hope, and love
    { 2 } - Laziness, an excessive aversion to work
    { 3 } - We ought to do the ACT with the best consequences
    { 4 } - Society ought to promote the equal distribution of wealth, except for inequalities that serve as incentives to benefit everyone (including the least advantaged group) and are open to everyone on an equal basis
    { 5 } - Believing in God and what he revealed

act utilitarianism <=> We ought to do the ACT with the best consequences

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

theological virtues

    { 1 } - The basic virtues that connect us to God; in Christianity, these are faith, hope, and love
    { 2 } - Laziness, an excessive aversion to work
    { 3 } - We ought to do the ACT with the best consequences
    { 4 } - Society ought to promote the equal distribution of wealth, except for inequalities that serve as incentives to benefit everyone (including the least advantaged group) and are open to everyone on an equal basis
    { 5 } - Believing in God and what he revealed

difference principle <=> Society ought to promote the equal distribution of wealth, except for inequalities that serve as incentives to benefit everyone (including the least advantaged group) and are open to everyone on an equal basis

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

theological virtues

    { 1 } - The basic virtues that connect us to God; in Christianity, these are faith, hope, and love
    { 2 } - Laziness, an excessive aversion to work
    { 3 } - We ought to do the ACT with the best consequences
    { 4 } - Society ought to promote the equal distribution of wealth, except for inequalities that serve as incentives to benefit everyone (including the least advantaged group) and are open to everyone on an equal basis
    { 5 } - Believing in God and what he revealed

faith <=> Believing in God and what he revealed

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the end