What is the best match?

negative right

    { 1 } - The virtuous point of "just enough," between the twin vices of "too much" and "too little"
    { 2 } - Do good to others
    { 3 } - Make similar evaluations about similar actions, regardless of the individuals involved
    { 4 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 5 } - A right to not be interfered with in certain ways

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

negative right

golden mean <=> The virtuous point of "just enough," between the twin vices of "too much" and "too little"

<= back | menu | forward =>


2 is wrong. Please try again.

negative right

    { 1 } - The virtuous point of "just enough," between the twin vices of "too much" and "too little"
    { 2 } - Do good to others
    { 3 } - Make similar evaluations about similar actions, regardless of the individuals involved
    { 4 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 5 } - A right to not be interfered with in certain ways

beneficence <=> Do good to others

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

negative right

    { 1 } - The virtuous point of "just enough," between the twin vices of "too much" and "too little"
    { 2 } - Do good to others
    { 3 } - Make similar evaluations about similar actions, regardless of the individuals involved
    { 4 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 5 } - A right to not be interfered with in certain ways

impartiality <=> Make similar evaluations about similar actions, regardless of the individuals involved

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

negative right

    { 1 } - The virtuous point of "just enough," between the twin vices of "too much" and "too little"
    { 2 } - Do good to others
    { 3 } - Make similar evaluations about similar actions, regardless of the individuals involved
    { 4 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 5 } - A right to not be interfered with in certain ways

prima facie view <=> The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action

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5 is correct!

negative right

    { 1 } - The virtuous point of "just enough," between the twin vices of "too much" and "too little"
    { 2 } - Do good to others
    { 3 } - Make similar evaluations about similar actions, regardless of the individuals involved
    { 4 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 5 } - A right to not be interfered with in certain ways

negative right <=> A right to not be interfered with in certain ways

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end