What is the best match?

intrinsically good

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - "Good" is indefinable, there are objective moral truths, and the basic moral truths are self-evident to a mature mind
    { 3 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 4 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 5 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

intrinsically good

hedonism <=> Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

intrinsically good

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - "Good" is indefinable, there are objective moral truths, and the basic moral truths are self-evident to a mature mind
    { 3 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 4 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 5 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone

intuitionism <=> "Good" is indefinable, there are objective moral truths, and the basic moral truths are self-evident to a mature mind

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

intrinsically good

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - "Good" is indefinable, there are objective moral truths, and the basic moral truths are self-evident to a mature mind
    { 3 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 4 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 5 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone

prima facie view <=> The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action

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4 is correct!

intrinsically good

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - "Good" is indefinable, there are objective moral truths, and the basic moral truths are self-evident to a mature mind
    { 3 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 4 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 5 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone

intrinsically good <=> What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


5 is wrong. Please try again.

intrinsically good

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - "Good" is indefinable, there are objective moral truths, and the basic moral truths are self-evident to a mature mind
    { 3 } - The basic moral principles say that we ought, other things being equal, to do or not to do certain kinds of action
    { 4 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 5 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone

socialism <=> A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone

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the end