What is the best match?

distributive justice

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - A war that is waged by a legitimate authority, for a just cause, with proper intention, as a last resort, with any harm done being proportionate to the good obtained, not directly targeting innocent civilians, and treating prisoners of war humanely
    { 3 } - Excellence in thinking
    { 4 } - We ought to do what would be prescribed by the RULES with the best consequences for people in society to try to follow
    { 5 } - How goods ought to be distributed in a society

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

distributive justice

hedonism <=> Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

distributive justice

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - A war that is waged by a legitimate authority, for a just cause, with proper intention, as a last resort, with any harm done being proportionate to the good obtained, not directly targeting innocent civilians, and treating prisoners of war humanely
    { 3 } - Excellence in thinking
    { 4 } - We ought to do what would be prescribed by the RULES with the best consequences for people in society to try to follow
    { 5 } - How goods ought to be distributed in a society

just war <=> A war that is waged by a legitimate authority, for a just cause, with proper intention, as a last resort, with any harm done being proportionate to the good obtained, not directly targeting innocent civilians, and treating prisoners of war humanely

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

distributive justice

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - A war that is waged by a legitimate authority, for a just cause, with proper intention, as a last resort, with any harm done being proportionate to the good obtained, not directly targeting innocent civilians, and treating prisoners of war humanely
    { 3 } - Excellence in thinking
    { 4 } - We ought to do what would be prescribed by the RULES with the best consequences for people in society to try to follow
    { 5 } - How goods ought to be distributed in a society

wisdom <=> Excellence in thinking

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

distributive justice

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - A war that is waged by a legitimate authority, for a just cause, with proper intention, as a last resort, with any harm done being proportionate to the good obtained, not directly targeting innocent civilians, and treating prisoners of war humanely
    { 3 } - Excellence in thinking
    { 4 } - We ought to do what would be prescribed by the RULES with the best consequences for people in society to try to follow
    { 5 } - How goods ought to be distributed in a society

rule utilitarianism <=> We ought to do what would be prescribed by the RULES with the best consequences for people in society to try to follow

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5 is correct!

distributive justice

    { 1 } - Pleasure is the only intrinsic good; pain is the only intrinsic bad. (This is ethical hedonism; psychological hedonism claims that people act only for the sake of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.)
    { 2 } - A war that is waged by a legitimate authority, for a just cause, with proper intention, as a last resort, with any harm done being proportionate to the good obtained, not directly targeting innocent civilians, and treating prisoners of war humanely
    { 3 } - Excellence in thinking
    { 4 } - We ought to do what would be prescribed by the RULES with the best consequences for people in society to try to follow
    { 5 } - How goods ought to be distributed in a society

distributive justice <=> How goods ought to be distributed in a society

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end