What is the best match?

ends-means consistency

    { 1 } - Keep your means in harmony with your ends
    { 2 } - The correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites
    { 3 } - A social system characterized by the private ownership and operation of businesses, competition, free markets, and the profit motive; in a pure form of capitalism, business has minimal regulation and government is small
    { 4 } - The principle, roughly, that under certain conditions it's permissible to do something that has a morally good intended effect and a morally bad unintended side effect
    { 5 } - Do good to others

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is correct!

ends-means consistency

    { 1 } - Keep your means in harmony with your ends
    { 2 } - The correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites
    { 3 } - A social system characterized by the private ownership and operation of businesses, competition, free markets, and the profit motive; in a pure form of capitalism, business has minimal regulation and government is small
    { 4 } - The principle, roughly, that under certain conditions it's permissible to do something that has a morally good intended effect and a morally bad unintended side effect
    { 5 } - Do good to others

ends-means consistency <=> Keep your means in harmony with your ends

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

ends-means consistency

    { 1 } - Keep your means in harmony with your ends
    { 2 } - The correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites
    { 3 } - A social system characterized by the private ownership and operation of businesses, competition, free markets, and the profit motive; in a pure form of capitalism, business has minimal regulation and government is small
    { 4 } - The principle, roughly, that under certain conditions it's permissible to do something that has a morally good intended effect and a morally bad unintended side effect
    { 5 } - Do good to others

justice (Plato) <=> The correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

ends-means consistency

    { 1 } - Keep your means in harmony with your ends
    { 2 } - The correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites
    { 3 } - A social system characterized by the private ownership and operation of businesses, competition, free markets, and the profit motive; in a pure form of capitalism, business has minimal regulation and government is small
    { 4 } - The principle, roughly, that under certain conditions it's permissible to do something that has a morally good intended effect and a morally bad unintended side effect
    { 5 } - Do good to others

capitalism <=> A social system characterized by the private ownership and operation of businesses, competition, free markets, and the profit motive; in a pure form of capitalism, business has minimal regulation and government is small

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

ends-means consistency

    { 1 } - Keep your means in harmony with your ends
    { 2 } - The correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites
    { 3 } - A social system characterized by the private ownership and operation of businesses, competition, free markets, and the profit motive; in a pure form of capitalism, business has minimal regulation and government is small
    { 4 } - The principle, roughly, that under certain conditions it's permissible to do something that has a morally good intended effect and a morally bad unintended side effect
    { 5 } - Do good to others

double effect <=> The principle, roughly, that under certain conditions it's permissible to do something that has a morally good intended effect and a morally bad unintended side effect

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

ends-means consistency

    { 1 } - Keep your means in harmony with your ends
    { 2 } - The correct ordering of the parts of the soul, whereby the rational part guides the spirited part, and both together guide the appetites
    { 3 } - A social system characterized by the private ownership and operation of businesses, competition, free markets, and the profit motive; in a pure form of capitalism, business has minimal regulation and government is small
    { 4 } - The principle, roughly, that under certain conditions it's permissible to do something that has a morally good intended effect and a morally bad unintended side effect
    { 5 } - Do good to others

beneficence <=> Do good to others

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the end