What is the best match?

classical utilitarianism

    { 1 } - A duty that holds if other things are equal; more precisely, a factor that tends in itself to make something our duty but can sometimes be overridden by other factors
    { 2 } - People have negative rights but not positive rights; so the state ought not to promote positive rights
    { 3 } - Treating others as they have a right to be treated
    { 4 } - The rational control of our appetites (impulses and desires)
    { 5 } - We ought always to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

classical utilitarianism

prima facie duty <=> A duty that holds if other things are equal; more precisely, a factor that tends in itself to make something our duty but can sometimes be overridden by other factors

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

classical utilitarianism

    { 1 } - A duty that holds if other things are equal; more precisely, a factor that tends in itself to make something our duty but can sometimes be overridden by other factors
    { 2 } - People have negative rights but not positive rights; so the state ought not to promote positive rights
    { 3 } - Treating others as they have a right to be treated
    { 4 } - The rational control of our appetites (impulses and desires)
    { 5 } - We ought always to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action

libertarianism <=> People have negative rights but not positive rights; so the state ought not to promote positive rights

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

classical utilitarianism

    { 1 } - A duty that holds if other things are equal; more precisely, a factor that tends in itself to make something our duty but can sometimes be overridden by other factors
    { 2 } - People have negative rights but not positive rights; so the state ought not to promote positive rights
    { 3 } - Treating others as they have a right to be treated
    { 4 } - The rational control of our appetites (impulses and desires)
    { 5 } - We ought always to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action

justice <=> Treating others as they have a right to be treated

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

classical utilitarianism

    { 1 } - A duty that holds if other things are equal; more precisely, a factor that tends in itself to make something our duty but can sometimes be overridden by other factors
    { 2 } - People have negative rights but not positive rights; so the state ought not to promote positive rights
    { 3 } - Treating others as they have a right to be treated
    { 4 } - The rational control of our appetites (impulses and desires)
    { 5 } - We ought always to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action

self-control (temperance) <=> The rational control of our appetites (impulses and desires)

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5 is correct!

classical utilitarianism

    { 1 } - A duty that holds if other things are equal; more precisely, a factor that tends in itself to make something our duty but can sometimes be overridden by other factors
    { 2 } - People have negative rights but not positive rights; so the state ought not to promote positive rights
    { 3 } - Treating others as they have a right to be treated
    { 4 } - The rational control of our appetites (impulses and desires)
    { 5 } - We ought always to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action

classical utilitarianism <=> We ought always to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action

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the end