What is the best match?

nonconsequentialism (deontology)

    { 1 } - An approach to ethics that emphasizes virtue; an extreme ethics of virtue would say that "virtue" is primary, duty is derivative, and we could without loss dispense with talking about duty
    { 2 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 3 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 4 } - A vengeful and hateful anger toward one who has wronged you
    { 5 } - Some kinds of action (such as killing the innocent) are wrong in themselves, and not just wrong because they have bad consequences

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

nonconsequentialism (deontology)

ethics of virtue <=> An approach to ethics that emphasizes virtue; an extreme ethics of virtue would say that "virtue" is primary, duty is derivative, and we could without loss dispense with talking about duty

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

nonconsequentialism (deontology)

    { 1 } - An approach to ethics that emphasizes virtue; an extreme ethics of virtue would say that "virtue" is primary, duty is derivative, and we could without loss dispense with talking about duty
    { 2 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 3 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 4 } - A vengeful and hateful anger toward one who has wronged you
    { 5 } - Some kinds of action (such as killing the innocent) are wrong in themselves, and not just wrong because they have bad consequences

intrinsically good <=> What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

nonconsequentialism (deontology)

    { 1 } - An approach to ethics that emphasizes virtue; an extreme ethics of virtue would say that "virtue" is primary, duty is derivative, and we could without loss dispense with talking about duty
    { 2 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 3 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 4 } - A vengeful and hateful anger toward one who has wronged you
    { 5 } - Some kinds of action (such as killing the innocent) are wrong in themselves, and not just wrong because they have bad consequences

right <=> What can be justifiably demanded of others

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

nonconsequentialism (deontology)

    { 1 } - An approach to ethics that emphasizes virtue; an extreme ethics of virtue would say that "virtue" is primary, duty is derivative, and we could without loss dispense with talking about duty
    { 2 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 3 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 4 } - A vengeful and hateful anger toward one who has wronged you
    { 5 } - Some kinds of action (such as killing the innocent) are wrong in themselves, and not just wrong because they have bad consequences

wrath <=> A vengeful and hateful anger toward one who has wronged you

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5 is correct!

nonconsequentialism (deontology)

    { 1 } - An approach to ethics that emphasizes virtue; an extreme ethics of virtue would say that "virtue" is primary, duty is derivative, and we could without loss dispense with talking about duty
    { 2 } - What is good in itself, abstracting from further consequences
    { 3 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 4 } - A vengeful and hateful anger toward one who has wronged you
    { 5 } - Some kinds of action (such as killing the innocent) are wrong in themselves, and not just wrong because they have bad consequences

nonconsequentialism (deontology) <=> Some kinds of action (such as killing the innocent) are wrong in themselves, and not just wrong because they have bad consequences

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end