What is the best match?

logically consistent person

    { 1 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 2 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone
    { 3 } - A tradition, associated with St Thomas Aquinas, that sees basic moral principles (called natural laws) as objective, based on nature instead of convention, and knowable through natural human reason
    { 4 } - Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth
    { 5 } - One whose beliefs are consistent

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

logically consistent person

    { 1 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 2 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone
    { 3 } - A tradition, associated with St Thomas Aquinas, that sees basic moral principles (called natural laws) as objective, based on nature instead of convention, and knowable through natural human reason
    { 4 } - Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth
    { 5 } - One whose beliefs are consistent

right <=> What can be justifiably demanded of others

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

logically consistent person

    { 1 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 2 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone
    { 3 } - A tradition, associated with St Thomas Aquinas, that sees basic moral principles (called natural laws) as objective, based on nature instead of convention, and knowable through natural human reason
    { 4 } - Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth
    { 5 } - One whose beliefs are consistent

socialism <=> A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

logically consistent person

    { 1 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 2 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone
    { 3 } - A tradition, associated with St Thomas Aquinas, that sees basic moral principles (called natural laws) as objective, based on nature instead of convention, and knowable through natural human reason
    { 4 } - Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth
    { 5 } - One whose beliefs are consistent

natural law <=> A tradition, associated with St Thomas Aquinas, that sees basic moral principles (called natural laws) as objective, based on nature instead of convention, and knowable through natural human reason

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

logically consistent person

    { 1 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 2 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone
    { 3 } - A tradition, associated with St Thomas Aquinas, that sees basic moral principles (called natural laws) as objective, based on nature instead of convention, and knowable through natural human reason
    { 4 } - Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth
    { 5 } - One whose beliefs are consistent

seven deadly sins <=> Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth

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5 is correct!

logically consistent person

    { 1 } - What can be justifiably demanded of others
    { 2 } - A social system characterized by community ownership and control of organizations that provide goods and services, cooperation instead of competition, an egalitarian ideal of everyone sharing somewhat equally in the goods of society, and government playing a big role in promoting positive rights (like health care and a decent standard of living) for everyone
    { 3 } - A tradition, associated with St Thomas Aquinas, that sees basic moral principles (called natural laws) as objective, based on nature instead of convention, and knowable through natural human reason
    { 4 } - Pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth
    { 5 } - One whose beliefs are consistent

logically consistent person <=> One whose beliefs are consistent

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