What is your answer?

    If you overslept, you'll be late.
    You didn't oversleep.
    So ???
    { 1 } - You aren't late.
    { 2 } - You did oversleep.
    { 3 } - You're late.
    { 4 } - None of these validly follows.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

    If you overslept, you'll be late.
    You didn't oversleep.
    So ???

The first premise only tells us what happens if you oversleep. It doesn't say what happens if you DON'T oversleep. You still might be late for some other reason -- maybe your car didn't start.

<= back | menu | forward =>


2 is wrong. Please try again.

    If you overslept, you'll be late.
    You didn't oversleep.
    So ???
    { 1 } - You aren't late.
    { 2 } - You did oversleep.
    { 3 } - You're late.
    { 4 } - None of these validly follows.

Huh? The second premise says that you didn't oversleep!

<= back | menu | forward =>


3 is wrong. Please try again.

    If you overslept, you'll be late.
    You didn't oversleep.
    So ???
    { 1 } - You aren't late.
    { 2 } - You did oversleep.
    { 3 } - You're late.
    { 4 } - None of these validly follows.

Given the premises, you might still be on time!

<= back | menu | forward =>


4 is correct!

    If you overslept, you'll be late.
    You didn't oversleep.
    So ???
    { 1 } - You aren't late.
    { 2 } - You did oversleep.
    { 3 } - You're late.
    { 4 } - None of these validly follows.

Correct. An IF-THEN only tells us what follows if the IF-part is TRUE. It doesn't tell us what follows if the IF-part is FALSE.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end