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Formal ethics tries to give formal ethical principles that

    { 1 } - will be useful and relatively uncontroversial among philosophers of different perspectives.
    { 2 } - it justifies from a view on the foundations of ethics that it takes to be the correct view.

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1 is correct!

Formal ethics tries to give formal ethical principles that

This is the goal.

Just as formal logic gives principles that are relatively uncontroversial (even though their foundation is controversial) -- so too formal ethics tries to give principles that are relatively uncontroversial (even though their foundation is controversial).

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Formal ethics tries to give formal ethical principles that

    { 1 } - will be useful and relatively uncontroversial among philosophers of different perspectives.
    { 2 } - it justifies from a view on the foundations of ethics that it takes to be the correct view.

This isn't what it tries to do.

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the end