What is your answer?

An argument is valid if

    { 1 } - the premises are true.
    { 2 } - the conclusion follows from the premises (the premises couldn't be true unless the conclusion was also true).
    { 3 } - both of the above conditions are satisfied.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

An argument is valid if

True premises don't make an argument valid.

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2 is correct!

An argument is valid if

    { 1 } - the premises are true.
    { 2 } - the conclusion follows from the premises (the premises couldn't be true unless the conclusion was also true).
    { 3 } - both of the above conditions are satisfied.

Validity has to do, not with the truth of the premises, but with whether the premises have the proper relationship to the conclusion. So we can have a valid argument with false premises:

    All logicians are millionaires. [False!]
    Gensler is a logician.
    So Gensler is a millionaire.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

An argument is valid if

    { 1 } - the premises are true.
    { 2 } - the conclusion follows from the premises (the premises couldn't be true unless the conclusion was also true).
    { 3 } - both of the above conditions are satisfied.

To prove a conclusion true, we need to satisfy both conditions; then we have what logicians call a "sound" argument.

In appraising an argument, we need to talk about the truth of the premises -- as well as about whether the conclusion follows from the premises. But "valid" is just about this second issue.

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the end