What is your answer?

When people give clearly stated but controversial arguments, generally

    { 1 } - it's disputed whether the premises are true.
    { 2 } - it's disputed whether the conclusion follows from the premises.
    { 3 } - both points are disputed.

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1 is correct!

When people give clearly stated but controversial arguments, generally

Usually the validity issue (whether the conclusion follows from the premises) is clear but the truth issue (whether the premises are true) is disputed.

There's relatively little dispute among experts on whether an argument is valid or invalid.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

When people give clearly stated but controversial arguments, generally

    { 1 } - it's disputed whether the premises are true.
    { 2 } - it's disputed whether the conclusion follows from the premises.
    { 3 } - both points are disputed.

Usually the validity issue (whether the conclusion follows from the premises) is clear but the truth issue (whether the premises are true) is disputed.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

When people give clearly stated but controversial arguments, generally

    { 1 } - it's disputed whether the premises are true.
    { 2 } - it's disputed whether the conclusion follows from the premises.
    { 3 } - both points are disputed.

Usually the validity issue (whether the conclusion follows from the premises) is clear but the truth issue (whether the premises are true) is disputed.

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the end