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The role of logic in ethics is to

    { 1 } - give watertight deductive arguments about what is right or wrong.
    { 2 } - help us clarify, understand, and evaluate reasoning on moral issues -- and test whether we hold our moral principles in a consistent way.

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The role of logic in ethics is to

Arguments about morality (or other areas) are seldom watertight. We often reason from probable premises -- or hunches -- or personal commitments. Reasoning isn't always strict proof and doesn't have to have indisputable premises to be useful.

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2 is correct!

The role of logic in ethics is to

    { 1 } - give watertight deductive arguments about what is right or wrong.
    { 2 } - help us clarify, understand, and evaluate reasoning on moral issues -- and test whether we hold our moral principles in a consistent way.

Formal ethics stresses the consistency part.

Consistency often comes up in moral discussions. Smith defends his views by appealing to a moral principle. Jones points out the principle's implausible implications. Smith, to be consistent, has to accept the implications -- or reject the principle -- or modify the principle to avoid the implications. This is a common pattern. It rests on logic and consistency.

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