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If you want to do E and believe that your doing M is causally necessary for you to do E, then reason directs that you do M.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

If you want to do E and believe that your doing M is causally necessary for you to do E, then reason directs that you do M.

This principle leads to absurdities, since then reason would tell the madman to blow up the H-bomb and it would tell Ima Student to do incompatible things (studying and not studying).

Ends-means rationality is better seen as a species of consistency. Reason directs us not to have an inconsistency between our desires, beliefs, and actions.

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2 is correct!

If you want to do E and believe that your doing M is causally necessary for you to do E, then reason directs that you do M.

This principle leads to absurdities, since then reason would tell the madman to blow up the H-bomb and it would tell Ima Student to do incompatible things (studying and not studying).

Ends-means rationality is better seen as a species of consistency. Reason directs us not to have an inconsistency between our desires, beliefs, and actions.

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the end