What is the best match?

"You ought not to combine wanting to do E, believing that your doing M now is causally necessary for you to do E, and not acting to do M."

    { 1 } - ends-means theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 5 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is correct!

"You ought not to combine wanting to do E, believing that your doing M now is causally necessary for you to do E, and not acting to do M."

"You ought not to combine wanting to do E, believing that your doing M now is causally necessary for you to do E, and not acting to do M." <=> ends-means theorem

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

"You ought not to combine wanting to do E, believing that your doing M now is causally necessary for you to do E, and not acting to do M."

    { 1 } - ends-means theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 5 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom

"We ought not to accept combinations that, when conjoined with other axioms, are inconsistent." <=> rationality axiom

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

"You ought not to combine wanting to do E, believing that your doing M now is causally necessary for you to do E, and not acting to do M."

    { 1 } - ends-means theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 5 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom

"If you ought to do A, then do A" and "If it's all right for you to do A, then you may do A." <=> prescriptivity axiom

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

"You ought not to combine wanting to do E, believing that your doing M now is causally necessary for you to do E, and not acting to do M."

    { 1 } - ends-means theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 5 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom

"Don't combine believing that everyone ought to do A with not acting to do A yourself." <=> conscientiousness theorem

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

"You ought not to combine wanting to do E, believing that your doing M now is causally necessary for you to do E, and not acting to do M."

    { 1 } - ends-means theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 5 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom

"Do A" with P entails "It's all right for you to do A." <=> corollary of prescriptivity axiom

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the end