What is the best match?

"If you ought to do A, then do A" and "If it's all right for you to do A, then you may do A."

    { 1 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 5 } - ends-means theorem

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

"If you ought to do A, then do A" and "If it's all right for you to do A, then you may do A."

"Don't combine acting to do A with not believing that it's all right for you to do A now." <=> conscientiousness theorem

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

"If you ought to do A, then do A" and "If it's all right for you to do A, then you may do A."

    { 1 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 5 } - ends-means theorem

"We ought not to accept combinations that, when conjoined with other axioms, are inconsistent." <=> rationality axiom

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

"If you ought to do A, then do A" and "If it's all right for you to do A, then you may do A."

    { 1 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 5 } - ends-means theorem

"Do A" with P entails "It's all right for you to do A." <=> corollary of prescriptivity axiom

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4 is correct!

"If you ought to do A, then do A" and "If it's all right for you to do A, then you may do A."

    { 1 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 5 } - ends-means theorem

"If you ought to do A, then do A" and "If it's all right for you to do A, then you may do A." <=> prescriptivity axiom

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


5 is wrong. Please try again.

"If you ought to do A, then do A" and "If it's all right for you to do A, then you may do A."

    { 1 } - conscientiousness theorem
    { 2 } - rationality axiom
    { 3 } - corollary of prescriptivity axiom
    { 4 } - prescriptivity axiom
    { 5 } - ends-means theorem

"You ought not to combine wanting to do E, believing that your doing M now is causally necessary for you to do E, and not acting to do M." <=> ends-means theorem

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the end