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The rationality axiom says that we ought to think and live consistently with logic and the other axioms of formal ethics (e.g., U and P). In this rationality axiom, "ought" is to be taken

    { 1 } - in a prima facie sense.
    { 2 } - in an all-things-considered sense.

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1 is correct!

The rationality axiom says that we ought to think and live consistently with logic and the other axioms of formal ethics (e.g., U and P). In this rationality axiom, "ought" is to be taken

The official formulation treats the rationality duty as prima facie and thus allows it to be overridden by other duties.

Suppose that Dr. Evil will destroy the world unless you are inconsistent in a small matter. Then, clearly, you ought to be inconsistent in this case. You could hardly consistently hold otherwise!

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

The rationality axiom says that we ought to think and live consistently with logic and the other axioms of formal ethics (e.g., U and P). In this rationality axiom, "ought" is to be taken

    { 1 } - in a prima facie sense.
    { 2 } - in an all-things-considered sense.

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the end