What is your answer?

Impartiality demands that we

    { 1 } - give equal weight to everyone's interests, regardless of how the person relates to us.
    { 2 } - make the same evaluation for the same kind of case, regardless of the individuals involved.
    { 3 } - have no particular desires -- but always desire the same sort of thing for the same sort of case, regardless of the individuals involved.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Impartiality demands that we

You might violate this by giving greater weight to your children's interests. This needn't violate the kind of impartiality that I'm defending -- since it needn't involve making conflicting evaluations about similar cases. You might hold that it's all right for anyone in similar cases to give greater weight to their children's interests.

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2 is correct!

Impartiality demands that we

    { 1 } - give equal weight to everyone's interests, regardless of how the person relates to us.
    { 2 } - make the same evaluation for the same kind of case, regardless of the individuals involved.
    { 3 } - have no particular desires -- but always desire the same sort of thing for the same sort of case, regardless of the individuals involved.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

I'm defending only a weak kind of impartiality -- a kind that is compatible with having a special consideration or "partiality" toward friends and loved ones.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

Impartiality demands that we

    { 1 } - give equal weight to everyone's interests, regardless of how the person relates to us.
    { 2 } - make the same evaluation for the same kind of case, regardless of the individuals involved.
    { 3 } - have no particular desires -- but always desire the same sort of thing for the same sort of case, regardless of the individuals involved.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

You might violate this by desiring that you win the lottery but not desiring that others in similar situations win it. This needn't involve making conflicting evaluations about similar cases. So this needn't violate the kind of impartiality that I'm defending.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Impartiality demands that we

    { 1 } - give equal weight to everyone's interests, regardless of how the person relates to us.
    { 2 } - make the same evaluation for the same kind of case, regardless of the individuals involved.
    { 3 } - have no particular desires -- but always desire the same sort of thing for the same sort of case, regardless of the individuals involved.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

One is true.

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the end